Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Download Wadan Sewuma 0.6.6 APK for Android

Wadan Sewuma 0.6.6
File name: Wadan-Sewuma.APK
ID: com.pahans.ocr
Version: 0.6.6
File Size: 3.8Mb

Wadan Sewuma Screenshots
Wadan Sewuma Screenshots 0Wadan Sewuma Screenshots 1

What's new in Wadan Sewuma 0.6.6

* Fixed sinhala rendering issues
* Text to speech support

Wadan Sewuma Details

Wadan Sewuma is a English to Sinhala dictinary look-up app for android.
*capture a english word by a camera snapshot do the sinhala dictionary look-up for it.
*Tap on speaker button to listen to the pronunciation

This Uses Tesseract 3.01 open source OCR engine to find text in images

******* HOW TO USE *********
* use the resizable view finder to frame the desired word through camera. Tap on shutter button
* recognized text will display in the next screen. do necessary adjustments and word definition will appear.
* to get the word definition you must be connected to internet.
* turn on Continuous preview mode for real time Optical Character Recognition.

** important for maximum recognition accuracy **
- Various factors can cause the OCR to fail: uneven illumination, stylized text, or text without enough contrast from the background. Try to have good lighting.
- Hold the device steady, and be sure the picture is in focus.
-Hold the device horizontally

**** TO DO ******
* paragraphs, phrases translation
* improve on acuracy
* add more languages
* improve on native andriod font rendering

please be kind enough to give feedback or complain before rating the app as one star.
use the email developer on google play or contact me trough pahan123 at gmail com

* based on a open source project by Robert Theis (android port for tesseract)

special thanks to Lishan Puwakovita for graphic designing and Arunoda Susiripala for AkuruLK sinhala font rendering.

Wadan Sewuma | 188 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.4

Download Wadan Sewuma 0.6.6 APK

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